Is my privacy protected?

Hi everyone. Have you seen the news on leaked emails of iPad owners in the US? Good news is that this incident has nothing to do with the integrity of the device itself but it is still quite alarming. On a similar note, it feels scary to imagine how much private information might be left public and forgotten on the internet. Actually I recently visited Picasa and was surprised how many photos of mine were unnecessarily public. Some of them should have definitely been private! :)

Is my privacy properly protected?
제 개인 정보는 제대로 보호되나요?

제, jae, I (polite form of 나)
개인, gaein, private or individual
정보는, jongbonun, information + suffix
제대로, jaedaero, properly
보호되나요, bohoduenayo, is protected? (보호하다)

제 개인 정보는 제대로 보호되나요?
jae gaein jongbonun jaedaero bohoduenayo?

Today, let's take a look at passive forms. When it comes to passive forms, English grammar is much easier to learn because the structure is usually fixed. I write a blog and a blog is written. :)

In Korean, the ending of the verb indicates whether the sentence has an active voice or a passive voice. 보호하다 is an active-voice verb and by changing the ending to 보호되다 it becomes a passive-voice one. Other examples are:

시작하다 (start) - 시작되다 (is started)
공개하다 (make public) - 공개되다 (is made public)

Similarly, -히다 can carry a passive voice too.

닫다 (close) - 닫히다 (is closed)
긁다 (scratch) - 긁히다 (is scratched)

Unfortunately, these are not the only rules. I will cover them as they come up.
Bye! :)


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