Can you take another picture of me?

Hi everyone and welcome leBrook to my blog! :) Sorry but I have to rush a bit today because a soccer game between Korea and Argentina is starting in five minutes! I hope you understand. :)

Can you take another picture of me?
내 사진 새로 찍어 줄래요?

내, nae, my
사진, sajin, photo
새로, saero, newly
찍어, jjikoa, take picture (찍다)
줄래요, julaeyo, give me (주다)

내 사진 새로 찍어 줄래요?
nae sajin saero jjikoa julaeyo?

Once I uploaded an expression to ask a favour. I just discovered that, totally coincidentally, I talked about FIFA world cup then too. :) Anyway, today's expression is more informal. If you say just 줄래 and cancel 요, it is even more informal. I guess it is a universal rule in linguistics that the shorter the sentence the more informal. Challenge me if there is an opposite case. :P

Anyway, I gotta run! Go Korea!! :)


  1. Hi! Thank you for running this incredible and awesome blog. :) Really helped me a lot!
    There are some sentences I want to learn, by the way. Which are:-

    "Did you take a picture with ___?"
    "Are you dating? If so, you have our blessings."
    "You've misunderstood what I've said."

    Please help! :D Thank you!

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  2. Hi Kimberly,

    Would you forgive me for replying to you only now. You might know these expressions already but let me try anyway. :)

    "Did you take a picture with ___?"
    -> __와 사진을 찍었어요?
    ** Use 과 instead of 와 if the preceding syllable ends with a 받침.

    "Are you dating? If so, you have our blessings."
    --> 애인(lover)있어요? 그렇다면, 축복을(blessings) 빌어요(wish).

    "You've misunderstood what I've said."
    --> 제말을(my saying) 잘못(wrongly) 이해했어요(understood).


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