My new year's resolution was abandoned after three days.
Hi. It seems this guy is quite popular with his new book called "The 4-Hour Body". I didn't read the book but I am sure it would be full of great ideas to keep your body fit with minimum effort. But I have something better for you. It is called "The 4-Day Body". It is simple to follow too. All you need to do is make a new years resolution to loose weight and go gung-ho for the first four days of the year. Did you have some muscle pain? Then you are good to go for the rest of the year! This is exactly what I did this year! I feel great! ;) There is a perfect Korean expression for this kind of situation. It takes only three days so it is even better! ;) My new year's resolution was abandoned after three days. 올해 새해 계획도 작심삼일로 끝났어요. 올해, ohlae, this year 새해, saehae, new year 계획도, gyehwekdo, plan + suffix meaning as well 작심삼일로, jaksimsamilo, determined mind didn't last long + suffix to indicate a result 끝났어요, ggtnatsoyo, ended (끝나다) 올해 새해 계획도 작심삼일로 끝났어요. ohla...